Atlantic Sales Office Now Open!

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Affordable Habitat Homes for Purchase and Rent

Our Model Has Moved! Now Located at 2886 Sweet Bay Street.

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Southern Development Homes: Your Builder Your Neighbor

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Located in the heart of Charlottesville, just minutes from downtown, I-64, UVA, and the 5th Street Shopping Center, Southwood is a national model for neighborhood–driven redevelopment. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville has been working with the residents of the current Southwood Mobile Home Park to design an inclusive, mixed-income community that will facilitate a holistic transformation of the neighborhood and improve the quality of life for all of its residents. Southwood will offer a range of housing types attainable to a broad economic spectrum and will feature an array of amenities including parks, community centers, and commercial resources within an architecturally diverse and sustainable neighborhood.

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Our Partners

Atlantic BuildersHabitat for Humanity of Greater CharlottesvillePiedmont Housing AllianceSouthern Development